Top Modem 
Swinsuit Jô de Mer
 Jacket Mig Jeans

To Beguile by Tatá Guarino

A KALTBLUT exclusive womenswear editorial. Photography by Tatá Guarino. Model is Julliana Mende signed at Prime Model Mgmt. Styling By Manoela Fiães. Make Up and Hair by Carlos Ros. Otavio Guarino aka Tatá Guarino is a Brazilian photographer currently based in São Paulo. He started working with photography in the cinema area, but soon discovered that cinema and fashion had everything to do and then decides to unite the two worlds when possible. This editorial To Beguile had inspiration in the Sophia Coppola’s Remake.

Top C&A

Vest Modem

Trench-coat Loki Bicho

Skirt TVZ

Boots Lucas Regal
Vest Ricardo Almeida

Jacket Zara

Fanny pac Agora Que Sou Rica

Jeans Mig Jeans

Boots Lucas Regal
Vest Ricardo Almeida
Jacket Zara

Fanny pac Agora Que Sou Rica

Jeans Mig Jeans
Shirt Lucidez

Pants Memeshe
Shirt Lucidez

Pants Memeshe

Boots Lucas Regal
Dress Iodice

Coat Helena Pontes

Boots Lucas Regal
Dress Iodice

Coat Helena Pontes
Top Herchcovitch;Alexandre

Pants Acervo
Top Herchcovitch;Alexandre

Pants A. Niemeyer

Boots Lucas Regal
Top by Modem

Swinsuit by Jô de Mer

Skirt by Tufi Duek

Boots Lucas Regall
Top C&A

Vest Modem

Trench-coat Loki Bicho

Photography by Tatá Guarino / / Instagram: @tataguarino
Styling By Manoela Fiães / Instagram: @manufiaes
Make Up and Hair by Carlos Rosa/ Instagram: @carlosrosa
Model is Julliana Mende signed at Prime Model Mgmt / Instagram: @jullianamende
Retouched by Iuri Cereja / Instagram: @iuricereja