Matching Image Soulmates: The Vision of Collage Artist Jorge Chamorro

Flowers, soup bowl or a skull? The Madrid born collage artist Jorge Chamorro is sitting by a table at his coworking space ESDIP Berlin in Friedrichshain, trying to figure out what to glue on top of a renaissance looking painting of a young girl. He alternates between the three options; tries them out one by one. Flowers? Soup bowl? Skull?

Jorge primarily makes analogue collages. He prefers that over digital collages both because he likes getting away from the computer and because it adds an element of surprise to the work. “When you work with analogue collages you have the table full of papers and if you work a couple of days you have the whole house full of papers. The papers can randomly create something together. Random is super important in collage. Random is important in life”, he explains passionately.

Working with analogue collages means that Jorge spends a lot of time flipping through books and magazines to find the perfect image for one of his pieces. “I own maybe a couple of cubic metres of books, which actually is less than other collage artists”, he says with a laugh and continues: “Sometimes you make a collage in five minutes but sometimes a piece is waiting to be finished for years. I recently made a collage with a bottom of a woman which I cut when I just arrived in Berlin three years ago”.