ONE TO WATCH: Alexandru Simedru and his BA collection. Is an artistic-cultural manifesto concerning the freedom of being exactly who you are, a revolution of thinking in a society full of malformed minds due to technology. The manifesto proposes a revolution of meditating, towards a spiritual evolution, not to a technological one but for regaining the ability to have feelings freely, to be happy and to love unconditionally above reason. It is creating a new reality, a new present and it is redefining society. A world that is not influenced by the problems of the contemporary society, where the human being is man above all, where race, gender, age or sexual orientation shall be void in front of soul and character.

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“We forget to be humans, we let ourselves alienate from self , from people, nature and humanity, haunting for the courage to get out of the pattern of society. We forget to look at ourselves, to look around, we turn into objects of consumption. SORRY MOM starts from a study of case that highlights certain human behaviors depending on clothes that individuals are wearing due to historical situations given, and especially the strong desire to stand out against others. The purpose of the collection is to shape a better world and to draw alarm signals.” #IHAVEADREAM #YOUAREDIFFERENT #STOPTHEHATE. 


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Designer : Alexandru Simedru
Campaign – Photographer – Cristian Tudose instagram : @christiantudose
Lookbook – Photographer: Tibi Vintur
Models are: Emil, Tudor, Iulian, Sinziana, Virginia, Floriana