The darkness is for living together 

A collaborative project between photographer Matthieu Croizier and artists David Weishaar. Fashion by Agapornis and Nike. The models are Jo(nathan) Kolly, Morgane Gillioz, Pharell Golli, and Shaliy Jiang Meow. Hair and make-up by Morgane Gillioz.

Photography and creative direction by Matthieu Croizier / /
Instagram: @matthieucroizier
Digital painting by David Weishaar / Instagram: @davidweishaar
Digital painting associate: David Fernandes
Fashion by Agapornis / Instagram: @agap_rnis
Hair and make-up by Morgane Gillioz / Instagram: @m.gillioz
Models are Jo(nathan) Kolly / Instagram: @trashseth, Morgane Gillioz @m.gillioz / Instagram: @yescountess, Pharell Golli / Instagram: @ssserao, Shaliy Jiang Meow / Instagram: @bbttisnn


Brands are Agapornis and Nike and include all fashion brands from the editorial.
Instagram: @agap_rnis @nike