Artist of the week: Gaëtan Lenain

#Interview – Gaëtan Lenain is an artist from France. After his fashion studies, it clearly appears to Gaëtan that he had a story to tell, visions to share, and so he began to draw « flashback of things that never existed » as artist Louise Bourgeois said once in Ode à l’oubli 2002. Gaëtan whole work is about boys, their bodies, and the way we represent and expect them.tumblr_ohcrd1gkri1tkgqtdo1_1280KALTBLUT: Tell us about your creative background – when did you first start illustrating/what really pushed you to do so?Gaëtan:

I first studied fashion in Paris and textile design at la Cambre in Brussels. And  as an aspiring designer I spent time drawing. It quickly appears to me I had something strong to do with it. Once at school an art teacher told me I had to drew more : I feel like I have something to explore, we are what we repeatedly do …

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KALTBLUT: Could you please tell us a bit more about this specific project “flashback of things that never existed”…

Gaëtan: I love the idea of drawing things that never really existed, something that follows the logic of dreams – the way fantasy is built but it also has to do with personnal mythology. For me draws are made with the same details as dreams.

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KALTBLUT: Do you think our generation is too focused on our bodies and the way we look?

Gaëtan: I feel strange about it : our society is bringing new stereotypes and standards on top. And we need them to identify ourselves.

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KALTLBUT: Would you say that it’s something relating to the gay community?

Gaëtan: Gay community has been built on different categories – from the queer voguing scene to the random/average cruising territories. But as strong as the labels are, strongest gets the satirical.

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KALTBLUT: What about body shaming ?

Gaëtan: For me this is the word that qualify the violence behind racism, transphobia, homophobic or mysoginistic behavior and moreover making people guilty for  who they are or who they are not is hate : and our duty is to fight for diversity and make it noticeable.

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KALTBLUT: Have you found any other work/artists to be really inspiring currently?

Gaëtan: They are all dead but I love Jean Cocteau, for such a long time, and mostly for his draws. But I found some motivation seeing what Alexandre Dufoix is doing, that gives me strength.

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KALTBLUT: What is your ultimate goal?

Gaëtan: My ultimate goal would be to published a book, I am now working on a album, and I would love to work for publications.

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Instagram: @gaetanlenain