Artist Of The Week: Shut Up Claudia

Are you ready for a good laugh? Good, then you can  meet Shut Up Claudia. A great personality and a talented hand, this is her secret. Tequila (as she liked to call herself) is an illustrator based in Milan.tumblr_ni2s6w3TqN1r3aks0o1_1280KALTBLUT: Who are you, What do you do and Where do you live?ShutUpClaudia:

I’m a young Portuguese girl without a moustache based in Milan, where I work as illustrator and art director. In my free time I’m a clown and I call myself Tequila, as my artistic name.

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KALTBLUT: Why do you have to Shut up, Claudia?

ShutUpClaudia: Why have I to shut up?? Well, because I usually draw something that people think but are afraid to say. So I’d never be able to shut up myself.

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KALTBLUT: What’s your artistic background?

ShutUpClaudia: I attended the secondary school of Arts in Portugal and then I thought that if I were an architect I could save the world. But the universe told me “Claudia you have to be a designer”, so I went in the University of Aveiro where I took
a degree and a Master degree in Design. In the last years I increased my passion for illustration.


KALTBLUT: It’s somehow really easy to related to your drawings. What’s inspire you?

ShutUpClaudia: I think that I get inspired mostly by the things happening in my life: some stories of my crazy friends, songs, some gossips that I heard, books that I read and for sure travels!


KALTBLUT: What come first, the drawings or the words?

ShutUpClaudia: It depends, most of times images come before the words.

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KALTBLUT: What does your friend says about you?

ShutUpClaudia: It’s a good and difficult question because it’s not so easy to say what people think about yourself. They say that I have a particular sense of humor, sometimes strange and stupid at once. Not everyone can relate or keep up with it.
I’m also an emotion and happy girl that likes to laugh hard.

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KALTBLUT: You seems to be a very joyful person. What pisses you off?

ShutUpClaudia: Oh thanks, but honestly there are a lot of things that piss me off one of them is someone trying to get ahead in a grocery store queue. In Italy it happens all the time! Also when people start snapping their fingers in front of me. Annoying!


KALTBLUT: What makes you happy?

ShutUpClaudia: There are a lot of little things that makes me happy, like a good talk with my girl friends, a glass of red wine in some fancy bar, take some sunbath in the winter and mainly travel to Portugal because reminds me my origins.

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KALTBLUT: What are you working on at the moment?

ShutUpClaudia: In the middle of thousand of projects I have going on at once, I’m trying to illustrate my own calendar for the next year.

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