at gunpoint

A KALTBLUT exclusive editorial. Photography by Arthur Magnitsky. Model is Jenia Stelmah. Art director is Artem Lyalkin. Styled by Kate Berkut. Brands used are Yves Saint Laurent, Homine, and MYO.

We all know each other in real life, but no one even suspects how different and strange can be some people’s behaviour at home.

Art director is Artem Lyalkin / Instagram: @artmlyalkin
Photography by Arthur Magnitsky / Instagram: @arthurmagnitsky
Styled by Kate Berkut / Instagram: @kateberkut_image
Model is Jenia Stelmah / Instagram: @jeniastelmah
Make up and hair by Artem Lyalkin / Instagram: @artmlyalkin
Model cat is Light / Instagram: @ykloos

Brands used are Yves Saint Laurent, Homine, and MYO.

Instagram name of each brand: @spin4spin @homine_official @myo_homme