Bathroom Stories

Berber Theunissen is a fine art photographer from the Netherlands. She focuses her camera on things that affect her personally. Things that she loves, but also things that make her feel vulnerable. She captures moments, feelings and memories of intense emotional value to her, or to the people around her. Her photographs are reflections of the memories in her mind. She takes photographs because she wants to preserve what is otherwise lost forever; time.



Photography offers me a foothold, enabling me to observe my life in a more objective way. I reflect upon my own struggles by looking at how my friends and others around me cope with similar situations and feelings. It helps me create a sense of peace within my chaotic being. I’m obsessed with this thing called life, this absurd, all-consuming life, from the highs to the lows and every little thing in between. Obsessed with all the different kinds of moods and vibes we experience, day in, day out. Even the little things can cause an emotional rollercoaster of tears and laughter. We can understand some of these experiences, but others offer us no clue. I’m infinitely curious about how to cope – as a human being, physically and mentally, as a person, as a girlfriend. Feeling so small in an universe so big.

About Bathroom stories:

In our tough, chaotic world, with all its societal pressures, we try our hardest to maintain, to stay afloat. But in our bathroom, a simple place of isolation and solace, we can let go, relax, and pull ourselves together as we prepare for the dark, grown-up society on the other side of the walls.