Book Club #78: Nudes by Richard Kranzin

Richard Kranzin shot this selection of 104 of his photographs presented in „Nudes“ with an analog camera between 2018 and 2020. In this age of digital photography, where digital image processing means that virtually everything is possible, this is an absolute exception — especially for a photographer who is only 30 years old.

Working with an analog camera is both time-consuming and risky: a strip of negative is exposed, developed, and the individual prints on photographic paper are painstakingly run by hand through a developer, a stop bath, and a fixer. It’s a full risk method: no digital retouching, no endless clicking through different versions of the motif captured in a fraction of a second during the shoot. Richard Kranzin needs neither. He decides exactly which position, which posture, which look and which mood the finished picture should convey while taking the picture. We can almost hear and see the delicate, highly intimate click of the shutter, witness the moment when the camera shutter briefly opens and captures the irretrievable moment between the photographer and his model for all eternity.

“My art has to do with the fragility of the masculine. The young men in this digital generation are represented as purely as possible. Analog black and white photography gives them new materiality and forms a contrast to the over-stuffed digital picture-world we live in. My models are cut off from their commercialized self-representations on social media, from their digital identities. I aim to break open the façade. My pictures invite you to dream of a masculinity without sin, honest and authentically sensuous.”


Instagram: @richard_kranzin_film