Michael Stokes, a photographer from California, has two new books of his work coming out soon. One of them, called “Always Loyal,” features semi nude and nude photos of amputee veterans of the U.S. military. The other book, “Exhibition,” consists of male erotic images and figure studies of fitness competitors, personal trainers and body builders from around the world, as well as some veterans.

“The other book, Exhibition consists of male erotic images and figure studies of fitness competitors, personal trainers and body builders from around the world – and yes, some veterans will be in this book as well. The images are already photographed, edited and only need to be organized and published. This hardcover photo book with dust jacket will be approximately 128 pages and will measure 13.5 X 10.4 inches, consisting of both color and black & white images printed on heavy stock, high quality, photo paper.” Text taken from the Kickstarter campaign
More: Kickstarter campaign / @Facebook