El Vasco by Evan Baul

Evan Baul (like bawl) is a double fraud and a cross-discipline visual designer. In an endeavour to apprehend whatever design may be as well as how people could relate to it and particularly to his work, Baul does borrow elements from a plethora of disciplines to achieve what is missed and make it accessible.

‘El Vasco’ came along fairly recently and was put together, admittedly, very organically. It was an effortless attempt to merely portray what’s felt to be my one and only muse and the ideas simply kept coming. This is my first completed dedicated series of illustrations, which I’m very proud of and thoroughly enjoyed its process during the making, giving it the necessary time. The sketches depict a lot of Basque and Spanish elements as well as some of his personal characteristics and idiosyncrasy through a spectrum of spookiness and thrill. They are and will keep coming for certain.

Instagram: @moutard