FOLIA by Project Sally Maastricht

Fashionclash Festival 2016 in Maastricht opened the HERITAGE edition with an outstanding performance and WOWED the fashion lovers with: FOLIA by Project Sally Maastricht. Each year Project Sally Maastricht invites young choreographers during their Choreographic Residencies Program. Especially for Fashionclash Festival 2016 they assigned French Choreographer, Martin Harriague to great a new work. We all loved it from the first moment to the end. What a great openening for an amazing festival. Thank you all. FC16_S1_01_FOLIA_013_1280p_miniFC16_S1_01_FOLIA_005_1280p_miniFC16_S1_01_FOLIA_149_1280p_miniFC16_S1_01_FOLIA_143_1280p_miniFC16_S1_01_FOLIA_120_1280p_miniFC16_S1_01_FOLIA_105_1280p_miniFC16_S1_01_FOLIA_103_1280p_mini

Throughout history, cultural heritage has been threatened by constant evolution of the world´s social and political concerns. Too often, the result of this threat has been the disappearance of some of the world´s greatest cultural achievments. In consideration of this Martin Harriague, in colloaboration with Maastricht based designer Mieke Kockelkorn, draws on the tradition and history of the Iberian peninsula, where he was born, to create a contemporary adaptation of LA FOLIA – a quick-packed, tumultuous dance dating back to the late 15th century.

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Choreography by Martin Haariague
Costumes by Mieke Kockelkorn
Performed by Patrizio Bucci, Luis Perdraza Cedron
Production by Project Sally Maastricht
Photos by Team Peter Stigter