Majdi Laktinah is a half Greek half Syrian photographer who was born in Damascus Syria in 1988. He completed his studies as a dentist in Latakia, a coastal beautiful city, a city that plays an important part in his life. Since 2012 Majdi lives in Berlin where he got more in touch with the photography and art scene of the city, and he opened up to many different people, cultures and different lifestyles from all over the planet. Most of the time he is using the surrounding light, and he is provoked by shadows, lights, and unique tiny details in people’s faces and bodies.KALTBLUT: How did you first pick up photography?
Majdi: I started taking photos with my mobilephone camera first, till I decided on christmas to buy myself a christmas gift which was my first DSLR camera the Nikon D5200.
KALTBLUT: How do you decide who to photograph?
Majdi: To me each person has a specific thing that makes her/him beautiful, and I am trying to find those things out and project them through my camera, mostly it’s not clear for the person himself what those things are.
KALTBLUT: How do you come up with ideas? What inspires you?
Majdi: The ideas can come while I am having a casual walk or when I wake up or before I go to sleep, I get them from the people around me, experiences I hear, my photos are mostly expressing my state of mind through other people or scenes.
KALTBLUT: What would you like to work on next?
Majdi: I have always thought about taking a role in a film scene as a director, I am not sure how much I will be able to do this, but this idea keeps tickling my mind, still not sure maybe it will come to life in the future.