Never be afraid to be sexy

A KALTBLUT exclusive menswear editorial. Photography by Nima Chaichi. Model is Igor Bardykin. Styled by Harrison Karabaccio. Grooming and Makeup by Carley Oser. 

Body suit by Tic Toc
Skirt – Stylist’s own
Earrings by Topshop
Bodysuit by Fleur du Mal
Skirt by Black Crane
Earrings by Topshop
Bodysuit by Fleur du Mal
Skirt by Black Crane
Earrings by Topshop
Body suit by Tic Toc
Skirt – Stylist’s own
Earrings by Topshop
Bodysuit by Topia
Leggins by Current Mood
Earrings – Stylist’s own
Bodysuit by Topia
Leggins by Current Mood
Earrings – Stylist’s own
Bodysuit by Topia
Leggins by Current Mood
Earrings – Stylist’s own
Bodysuit by Current Mood
Cardigan by Rehab
Socks by Falke
Boots by Yves Saint Laurent
Earrings – Stylist’s own
Bodysuit by Current Mood
Cardigan by Rehab
Socks by Falke
Boots by Yves Saint Laurent
Earrings – Stylist’s own
Top by Rehab
Skirt by Yang Li
Socks by Falke
Boots by Yves Saint Laurent
Earrings – Stylist’s own
Top by Rehab
Skirt by Yang Li
Socks by Falke
Boots by Yves Saint Laurent
Earrings – Stylist’s own
Top by Rehab
Skirt by Yang Li
Socks by Falke
Boots by Yves Saint Laurent
Earrings – Stylist’s own
Top by Rehab
Skirt by Yang Li
Socks by Falke
Boots by Yves Saint Laurent
Earrings – Stylist’s own
Skirt by Contemporary
Waist chain by Daenerys
Socks by Falke
Boots by Yves Saint Laurent
Earrings – Stylist’s own
Skirt by Contemporary
Waist chain by Daenerys
Socks by Falke
Boots by Yves Saint Laurent
Earrings – Stylist’s own
Top by Tripp NYC
Skirt by Stolen Hearts
Socks by Falke
Boots by Yves Saint Laurent
Earrings – Stylist’s own
Top by Tripp NYC
Skirt by Stolen Hearts
Top by Tripp NYC
Skirt by Stolen Hearts

Photography by Nima Chaichi /

Stylist is Harrison Karabaccio / / @harrisonkarabaccio

Model is Igor Bardykin /

Grooming and Makeup by Carley Oser / @carleyosermua