Portraits at home by James Barnett, a series against yellow

James Barnett is an English photographer from London, relocated to Berlin since few months. Barnett has been shooting analogue photography for over 10 years. Since he moved to Berlin in January, James has been shooting portraits of guys he has met in intimate one to one sessions around my home. Barnett shoots only on film – 35mm or 120mm.

Anteo Chara
Pierre Emö

“When I moved to Berlin at the start of the year, I explored many different ways of meeting new people, but found the most effective was through simply taking their portrait. This series of 25 photographs represents some of the new acquaintances I have made during the five months of living here. Each subject was invited around for a quick coffee and a portrait. I shoot analogue photography only, working with 35MM and 120MM film. The results can be a little uneven, but my choice of a strong, primary coloured back drop (hopefully) pulls the series together. I have 3 rules: No retouching. No special lighting. No filters. Just me, the subject and the camera.”


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Adam Posch
Adam Posch
Marcel Karussell
Marcel Karussell
Ludwig Obst
Imtiaz Ashraf
Ramon Sanchez
Dennis Eichmann
Danny Polaris
Gianluigi Porcu
Joseph Wolfgang Ohlert
Mike Van Roosbroeck
Paul Kirchenheiter

James Barmett is currently exhibiting his show QUEER FRIENDS in Dalston Superstore, London (until mid July). Don’t miss it if you’re London!


Instagram @studiograbdown
Twitter @studiograbdown


Anteo Chara – Instagram: @anteo_chara
Adam Posch – Instagram: @adamsaepfel
Dennis Eichmann – Instagram: @__dennis__dennis
Gianluigi Porcu – Instagram: @mrporcubear
Imtiaz Ashraf – Instagram: @m_imtiaz_a
Joseph Wolfgang Ohlert – Instagram: @josephwolfgangohlert
Ludwig Obst – Instagram: @obstler
Marcel Karussell – Instagram: @karussellfahrt
Matthias Panitz – Instagram: @_panitz_
Mike Van Roosbroeck – Instagram: @mike_musthave
Paul Kirchenheiter – Instagram: @paul.kirchenheiter
Pierre Emö – Instagram: @pierreemo
Ramón Sanchez – Instagram: @rasag0