A KALTBLUT exclusive. Photography by Noelia Benito Ollero. The model is Víctor signed at River Agency. Styling by Jose Caraballo. Make up by Claudia García Solís. Art direction by Carmen Parra García. The brands used are Ordosgoitia, Sergio Rodríguez, Tamara Press, María Francés, Camper, Surma, David Moss, Manemané, Ingràvita, Maarouf 103, Sansrey, Abanderado, Eduardo Navarrete, Bershka, Guillermo Décimo, Maison Mesa, Leandro Cano, Ttarrago, GAU, Marteens, Susi Sambar.“I’m Noelia Benito Ollero, a fashion photographer based in Madrid.I studied Fine Arts at Complutense University in Madrid, I have a master’s degree in Fashion Photography and Communication and I’m working in a model agency and publicity in Madrid and Barcelona. Also, I make my own projects as fashion editorials which have been published in some different magazines.”
Photography by Noelia Benito Ollero / Instagram: @noel_aletheia
The model is Víctor signed at River Agency / Instagram: @yungg_vic / Instagram: @agenciariver_
Styling by Jose Caraballo / Instagram: @joan.carod
Make up by Claudia García Solís / Instagram: @soliss.makeup
Art direction by Carmen Parra García / Instagram: @goingtohellxxxx
Photo assistance by Marko Barrier / Instagram: @markobarrier
Instagram name of each brand: @srdesigner_es, @tamara_press, @mariafrancesoficial, @camperlab, @surmadesigns, @david_ moss, @manemanestudio, @ingravita_joyas, @103maarouf, @sansreyofficial, @abanderado_es, @bershka, @maisonmesa, @leandrocano, @gau.uy, @drmartensofficial, @ susisambar @ordosgoitia.official
Showrooms: Plashion comunicación, No Solo Una Idea, Ttarrago, Temecé Showroom, Lecua press, Trastiendapress, Nuevo quince, Maison Eisa
Instagram name of each showroom: @plashioncomunicacion, @nosolounaidea, @ttarragopr, @temece_ showroom, @lecua_press, @trastiendapress, @nuevoquince, @maisoneisa.