A KALTBLUT exclusive from Spain. Photography by Beatriz Conca. Model is Daria Vikhreva, signed at Two Management Barcelona. Stylism by Ines Tellería using Interiors and Sita Murt. Make up and hair by Rocío Mendoza using ICON Products.
Raw Skin is a story about the beauty of our skin, about the raw pleasures, about what it is like to feel in one’s skin.
A story about the rawness of our marks, about what every freckle, every scar and every pore in our skin tells.
A story about another story, the one our body reveals.
Photography by Beatriz Conca / www.beatrizconca.com / @beatrizconca
Stylism by Ines Tellería / www.inestell.com / @ines_tell
Make up and hair by Rocío Mendoza using ICON Products / @rocio_mua
Model is Daria Vikhreva @dariavikhreva signed at Two Management Barcelona @twomanagementbarcelona
Brands are Interiors and Sita Murt.
Special thanks to Ardenuy Press.