A KALTBLUT exclusive editorial. Photography by Alejandro Boni. The model is Raymond Ateh, from Two Management. Styling by Fionna Ruiz Diaz.
Model: Raymond Ateh @raymondateh
Photographer Alejandro Boni @alejandro.boni
Styling Fionna Ruiz Diaz @fionnard
Agency Two Management @twomanagement
Special thanks to Blend Showroom @blendbcnshowroom
Wardrobe Credits
Trousers by Alex Cabero
Coat by Apron
Rings by Leda and the Swan
TL by Templat
Dress by Como la Trucha al Trucho
Trousers by Templat
Rings by Lats
Jacket by The Artelier
Top by Como la Trucha al Trucho