“(R)EVOLUTION tries to break with the social construct of what is understood as masculinity, thus showing a sweeter and more feminine side of the male gender. We seek to redefine virility, giving rise to a new man without prejudice or fear. We want to empower the feminine man, self-confident and free to be whoever he wants to be.”

A KALTBLUT exclusive. Photography by Aina Teva. Creative Direction & Styling by Jordi Ejarque. The model is Pau Pino. Makeup by Nadia Samper. Hair by Marina Rodríguez. Brands used are Victor Von Schwarz, Glittears, Olga Maciá, Loreine, and PDPAOLA.

Creative Direction & Styling by Jordi Ejarque / jordiejarque2001.wixsite.com/my-site /
Instagram: @srcasmo_
Photography by Aina Teva / Instagram: @ainateva
Model is Pau Pino / Instagram: @paupinobonet
Makeup by Nadia Samper / naysemakeup.wixsite.com/misitio / Instagram: @nadia_makeu
Hair by Marina Rodríguez / Instagram: @marina.rchia
Stylist Assistant: Ana García / Instagram: @nit.ta6

Brands used are: Victor Von Schwarz, Glittears, Olga Maciá, Loreine, PDPAOLA
Instagram name of each brand: @victorvonschwarz @glittears_ @olgamciia @loreinefashionbrand @pdpaola_jewelry

Showrooms used are: Marc Juan Comunicación, XXL Comunicación
Instagram name of each showroom: @marcjuancomunicacion @xxlcomunicacion