Safari Urban by Julien Nonno – A surprising vision of the Parisian wildlife

Found on the internet! “My last work Safari Urban is a series of photographs featuring animals redesigned and projected on facades of buildings through an embedded video-projection system. A clever mix of street-art and video-mapping!” says artist Julien Nonno. I love this!!!!! Julien Nonno is a visual artist and founding member of Le3 creative studio, his works essentially articulates the interaction of his creations with the architecture and urban elements surrounding him. This process has successfully brought numerous artistic projects to completion, combining Street-Art, kinetic installations, digital creations and Video-Mapping. Showing the desire to see his works in the street, he developed his own tools allowing him therefore to project his creations in any location that inspires him.La Biche et l'Ourang-OutanPARISIAN-WILDLIFE4__880PARISIAN-WILDLIFE3__880Le Buffle de la ChapelleLes Chiens de DoudeauvilleLe Cerf de BecquerelL'Aigle du Mont-CenisPARISIAN-WILDLIFE11__880PARISIAN-WILDLIFE10__880PARISIAN-WILDLIFE5__880Le Tigre des AmandiersLe Guépard du TertreLe Lion des Trois Frères18-Le_lemurien_de_montmartre-1024x683
