A KALTBLUT exclusive editorial. Photography, Video and Styling by Solene Ballesta. The model is Reuben Chapman signed at Bravo Models Tokyo. Video soundtrack by François Heyraud. Fashion Brands used are Marine Serre, NADIA FLORES EN EL CORAZON, Chicago Harajuku, and Zara.
Photography, Video and Style by Solene Ballesta / www.soleneballesta.com /
Instagram: @soleneballesta
The model is Reuben Chapman signed at Bravo Models Tokyo /
Instagram: @reubenchapman @bravomodelstokyo
Video soundtrack by François Heyraud @aggelos_project
Fashion Brands used are Marine Serre, NADIA FLORES EN EL CORAZON, Chicago Harajuku, and Zara.
Instagram name of each brand: