Should I be …

KALTBLUT presents: Should I be …! Photography, post-production, AI by Assya Katsuk. Self-portraits, photography, idea by Evgenii Loginov. The model is Aleksei. The brand used is George.

“Now in the country where we come from everything has been turned upside down. What was black became white. What was white became black. War became peace, freedom became slavery, and ignorance became a strength. Symbols such as rainbows, flowers, and the word peace were banned and subject to punishment. In our work, we wanted to demonstrate that we disagree with this absurdity. Freedom, love and peace are the main values of humanity that cannot be destroyed, in the end, good always wins.”

“Me (@photoboy112 Evgenii Loginov) and Nastya Katsuk (@asya_photowork) are both photographers from Russia. This is our joint project in response to the law on obtaining the status of extremists by the community. In Russia, it is forbidden to be gay at the legislative level! The most severe punishment for this is imprisonment for up to 12 years. Administrative fines are also possible penalties, as well as possible compulsory treatment. It’s impossible to keep silent about such things. We from Russia are our native country. We had to leave our homes and friends to start talking fluently finally. This is a protest that we would like to express. This is the question I want to answer.”

Photography, post-production, AI by Assya Katsuk /  Instagram: @asya_photowork
Self-portraits, photography, idea by Evgenii Loginov / Instagram: @photoboy112
The model is Aleksei

The brand used is George @georgeatasda