Simone Truong

Simone Truong explores themes of flora and fauna in her work. A juxtaposition between the mundane and the beautiful coalesce to represent the transitionary states that occur in natural phenomena. By bleeding the present with the past and the inevitable future of the flora and fauna, a new, more permanent vision is realised and the temporariness is removed.10003457_813381992074468_6524486742889060708_nKALTBLUT: Tell me a little bit about flowers. What do they mean to you?

Simone: They’re very delicate and fragile, yet also powerful. It’s easy to simply look at them and take in all their beauty but there is so much more to them – each is a life within itself. They also have many connotations emotionally – they’re used for so many varied occasions.

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KALTBLUT: If you could pick a flower to represent you, which one would it be?

Simone: I think it would have to be a white Carnation, they’re beautiful and imagine all the weddings I’d get to go to!


KALTBLUT: How did you come to create your personal unique style as an artist?

Simone: Experimenting with my ideas – If it doesn’t work out, no one else ever has to see it. I think it’s good to push boundaries and leave your comfort zone every now and again as you never know what kind of happy accidents you might discover.


KALTBLUT: Tell me a bit about the role of present and past in your work.

Simone: I’m interested in the slow and sometimes even fast decay of flowers and nature in general, combined with the more joyous, colourful side – the here and now so to speak and exploring the idea of combining the two to create an everlasting vision appeals to me.

Interview by Amanda M. Jansson

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