Micro Residency is a five pieces ongoing project based in Berlin and programmed by SiOUSiOU. The project aims to unbox the identity of the individual inside the living environment. By matching home owners with artists and designers, micro residency creates unique pieces of artworks that reflects the individual who live in the space. Through this project, SiOUSiOU allows the artist to travel physically and the home owner to travel mentally.
« The creation shall be much like the moment of self realisation during a trip in a foreign land. The match meets where the art works land. » Yu’an Huang, creator of SiOUSiOU Micro Residency EINS, « Red Never Apologizes for being Red » by Inga Soring and Mustafa Boga is the first installation of the project focusing on categorisation. The apartment is located on the not-so famous, Emser Strasse in the south of Neukolln.
While penetrating the apartment, even before entering the art installation, it hits you: the red hue reflecting on the white walls and the wooden floor. It seems like the energy is so strong it can’t be contain in one room, forcing it to spread over. It’s beyond viewing and seeing; it’s about feeling and experiencing the space. You walk towards the space, carefully and slowly a bit like if you were about to approach an erupting volcano and you don’t really know how it is going to react. At the same time you want to make sure to grasp its uniqueness. While being aroused by excitement and curiosity you start wondering, how you are going to react. The room is red. All the room and all the furnitures in it are painted in the identical and unique red: a bold and penetrating red with patent number 50.065.07 as its ID number.
« With two culture we unite, the third we experience together and ‘the fourth culture’ is born. » Inga Soring.
The Icelandic and Turkish artist duo, much like the curator of SiOUSiOU Yu’an herself, have all lived in a culture that are not their own for a long period of time. The shared experiences of feeling misplaced and un-identifiable by others is the main concept of the collaboration. The installation « Red, Never Apologizes for Being Red » is created where viewers are invited to examine their impulsive behaviour of categorisation and assumption when facing an unfamiliar sight in an everyday context. The space is listed on air bnb where the guests can book a night to live in the work. The installation acts as a container of participants’ reactions and living traces to a foreign experience.
Art student from London, Kengwu Lin (Instagram: @fpd05) used the room as a dating app meet up space.
Artist Daniella DeLuna (Transluna.design) and Musician Prov Krivoshey were air bnb guests for a weekend and produced a spontaneous photoshoot.
Fashion designer Woo Yeah (@Facebook) and Photographer Yu-Liang, Liu (Instagram: @yuliangliubln) produced ‘Rednaissance’ series inspired by the space.
To see the installation before 20th May, you can book a visit by sending an email to siousiou@live.com Or book to spent a night in the art installation on air bnb . The space can also be booked for other collaborations. All profit from the guests will be regenerated into the future SiOUSiOU art projects.
SiOUSiOU is currently sending out an open call for the next Micro Residency project located in Berlin Mitte. More details over here.
Text by Danaï Loukas
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Inga Soring
Mustafa Boga www.mustafaboga.com