The 14th edition of the international and interdisciplinary FASHIONCLASH Festival will take place from 25 – 27 November 2022 in Maastricht (The Netherlands). During this three-day hybrid (on- & offline program) festival, a new generation of designers and performing artists from all over the world are given the opportunity to show their work to a broad (inter)national audience. The program with exhibitions, performances, talks and fashion film screenings and awards, showcases projects that explore, contextualize and celebrate contemporary fashion culture.
FASHIONCLASH Festival is all about discovering, stimulating and co-shaping current developments in fashion and opening up these developments to a broad audience. The festival consists of a multidisciplinary and polyphonic program based on a selection from the proposals submitted via the open call and the projects initiated by FASHIONCLASH itself, which are developed in co-production with other organizations such as Glamcult, Via Zuid, Kunstbende and Marres.
FASHIONCLASH Festival is accessible to everyone via ticket sales and/or for free.
The program of the 14th edition consists of:
The Clash House
The Clash House is a showcase and development program for designers focusing on crossovers between fashion and other art disciplines, especially the performing arts. Participants of The Clash House are offered a coaching trajectory in which theatre makers support them.
Open Mic Night powered by Meester Koetsier Foundation
With the Open Mic Night program, FASHIONCLASH aims to create inspiring encounters between designers and audiences, by asking questions and sharing stories during a comedy club-inspired event. It is an eclectic clash of visions, working methods and styles of a distinctly new generation of designers who recently graduated in the Netherlands.
New Fashion Narratives #1 @ Bureau Europa i.c.w. Glamcult
The New Fashion Narratives exhibition at Bureau Europa is an international selection of designers curated by Glamcult and FASHIONCLASH.
New Fashion Narratives stands for the current generation of designers who see fashion as their mission. They explore the boundaries of their discipline, question social systems and specifically the fashion industry. With their works, they move between the interdisciplinary domains of fashion, social design, and visual arts and investigate the relationship with the user/consumer.
New Fashion Narratives #2 @ Marres
The New Fashion Narratives exhibition at Marres consists of a multidisciplinary selection of both young and established talent with a link to the Netherlands.
FASHIONCLASH signals a growing need among Dutch designers to contribute to a healthier fashion sector and a better world. This critical, research-minded and hybrid generation of fashion makers engage themselves in the transformative role of fashion in relation to social issues and propose alternative fashion practices and narratives.
Fashion Film & Video
The fashion Film and Video (FFV) program offer a platform to emerging designers, artists and filmmakers who experiment with the genre of fashion film/video, animation and other related audiovisual and digital media.
A jury panel will select five finalists from the selection and designate a winner for the Fashion Film & Video award powered by Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Limburg. In addition, KALTBLUT. magazine will choose a winner from the entire FFV selection.
Campaign and the story behind the project
Driven by the spirit of the FASHIONCLASH community – from volunteers to coaches to performers – this campaign is centred around the people who have played an important part in the existence and development of the FASHIONCLASH Festival, going back to the early start in 2009. Needless to say, these people represent a bigger group of people. Each individual is captured in a surreal locker room, where they prepare themselves for the next game – the 14th edition of the FASHIONCLASH Festival!
Even though wearing a uniform, each individual is encouraged to portray their own identity in the image, as FASHIONCLASH stimulates and empowers the creation of personal identity and strongly supports the uniqueness of each individual.
Concept + Art Direction: FASHIONCLASH
Photography: Laura Knipsael
Video: Opulence
Team: Arnold, Denise, Dion, Ella, Giovanni, Laura K, Laura de W, Mami, Miep, Nieke, Philippe, Stephen, Tiel, Tom
Location: Studio Radium, Maastricht
FASHIONCLASH Festival is an initiative of the Maastricht (Netherlands) based FASHIONCLASH Foundation, an interdisciplinary showcase and development platform and a worldwide network of new generation fashion makers and (performing) artists. Since 2009, FASHIONCLASH has realized more than 200 projects in the Netherlands and abroad.