Track Premiere: Greta María – ‘Kannast Við Þennan Kafla’

Berlin-based Greta María debuts her new single ‘Kannast Við Þennan Kafla’ (I Recognise This Chapter),  an alliteration about feelings that repeat themselves. A jazzy breeze through pop, mixing bold synthesizers with fragile tones, the song was recorded in her bedroom and thought of as a demo at first. “I initially wrote it as an instrumental song, didn’t really want any words in it,” explains Greta. “I played around anyway, and chose to use something that felt at least sort of rhythmic, therefore the alliteration. It starts with a softer F and Þ (pronounced ‘th’), and moves to the somewhat harsher K and T. It’s a play of words, about recognising a certain chapter after meeting someone. A dejá-vu of rejection.”

Through melancholic tones, Greta María writes music in mainly Icelandic and Swedish. She grew up in Iceland, Denmark, and Sweden, finally landing in Berlin seven years ago. She started writing songs dreaming of participating in the MGP Junior (Eurovision for kids) before moving away from Denmark. Although those dreams are long abandoned, the thrill of writing music has always stayed. Today, along with music, she’s also a photographer.

Greta María will release her first EP in 2021. Stream here first single ‘Kannast Við Þennan Kafla’ here:

Feature photo by Natalie Rose Dodd