When you present the body in its most authentic way, in its raw purest form, you ignite a sense
of empowerment in yourself and people around you. A KALTBLUT exclusive.
A sense of acceptance. Of allowance.
With this collaboration, Lebanese professional dancer Anthony Nakhlé and, Paris-based photographer and creative director Mohsen Othman (Le Mosen) are exploring the relationship of oneself with their body, in a search for empowering a whole community. ”
“When I train, I feel one with my body. Aligned. Elongated. It feels healthy, not only on a physical level but also mentally.” according to the sculptural Anthony Nakhlé.
Bodies and identities are inextricably linked, both are unique from a person to another with communities sharing some common traits, whether it be physical or mental. With this shoot, the two creatives are also exploring together their shared Arab identity: “Arab heritage is engraved in me. This inspiration comes through the music I listen to, the conversations I have, and by collaborating/creating with different creators across various mediums, including sound, sculpture and stage design.” concludes Nakhlé.
If you are interested in purchasing prints of this editorial, please contact :
Photography and Art Direction: Mohsen Othman @lemosen // @so_halalicious
Talent: Anthony Nakhlé @anthonynakhle9