MASS Branded’s second collection titled, ‘Falling Softly’, brings a new sense of exhilaration, freedom and seduction to men’s streetwear. Inspired by paratroopers and his memories of growing up in a military family, co-founder and designer Mass Luciano decided to create a uniform that meets the demands of the daring, active, modern man, who has a fearless sense of adventure. MASS was recently chosen as the winner of Lane Crawford’s 2016 ‘The Next New’ awards for menswear. www.massbranded.com

 – MASS, led by the creative duo Mass Luciano and Antoni d’Esterre

We like to call him, the MASS Trooper.

True to MASS Branded, accentuation of the male form is essential, so the cut and the fit of the clothes – ranging from sweatpants and mesh shorts to knit sweatshirts and bomber jackets –
work to broaden the shoulders, fill out the chest and slim the waist to achieve a masculine, athletic look. In accordance to this mantra, MASS Branded has taken an extra step further this collection by implementing creative, construction techniques to create parachute-like straps on the sleeveless Impact Shirt, which highlights the arms while exposing just the right amount of skin along the sides of the abdomen.

“After all, a man that’s brave enough to jump out of a plane is a man that has no hesitation showing a little bit of skin – an idea that MASS Branded continues to tastefully execute as seen on the Assembly Sweatshirt with armour pleated panel shoulders and strategically placed mesh panels that conceal and reveal the right areas of the torso, as well as the woven Grag T-shirt with a seductive, mesh back panel. “It was important for us to come up with innovative ways of working with mesh and high-tech fabrics, while keeping the aesthetics of a streetwear brand,” says co-founder Antoni d’Esterre (co-founder).

Another important element of ‘Falling Softly’ is how easily the pieces can be paired and incorporated into your everyday wardrobe. The monochrome colours and awareness for layering transform these updated, detailed basics into long-lasting statement pieces. On top of that, the clothes have been engineered to achieve an exceptional, structured silhouette without compromising on comfort, thereby maintaining the true sense of luxury expected from an innovative, high-end streetwear label.”


·    Photos        Antoni d’Esterre (IG @theadddproject)

·    Model  Tony (@tonybck)

·     Styling Mass Luciano (IG @massluciano)

·     Clothes 

MASS (IG @mass_branded)