Focus on: Emir Šehanović

Emir Šehanović alias Esh modifies faces and objects by giving them a new meaning. Emir Šehanović practices a double heritage. Emir Šehanović destroys the human face taking us far behind the eyes. A contact with the soul? Art is beyond.

With an alternative rich, complex and diverse interpretation, Emir is part of this artistic scene from the Balkans exploring archaic and popular languages and revisiting a traditional art in Bosnia, Molybdomancie.

He invents singular worlds burning images like the metaphor for our excessive feelings and intimate experiences. The faces are tortured like a sedimentation of the pain into a world destructuring our logic.

Turning his back on the overly artificial and intellectualized performances of a certain contemporary art, he returns to more authentic forms of expression, open to the inner life.

Emir Šehanović puts into action the existential need to think the world by poeticizing it, to make resonate a language.

Emir Šehanović develops his own style with a particular aesthetic like these latest works mixing sculptures and installations. Šehanović is in perpetual movement between his own projects and his occasional collaborations with avant-garde musicians and their sound explorations.

In 2018, he was present at the Young Creation at the Beaux-Arts event in Paris with the installation where he tied a thick cushion to imprison the material.

Text by Séverine Grosjean  / / Instagram: @nomad_creative_projects / @Facebook


Instagram: @emirsehanovic