EARTH, t. b. a. explores scenarios of post-apocalyptic life during Gallery Weekend Berlin 2021. From 24th April to 30th May, EARTH, t.b.a. takes place physically and digitally at Haus am Lützowplatz (Studio Galerie). The project presents a series of scenarios of future life on Earth that oscillate between imagination and documentation. The selected works, which are mainly site-specific installations, are imaginary investigations of post-apocalyptic rural and urban landscapes as a result of human influence on nature and architecture.
Used in the title ironically, the abbreviation ‘t. b. a’, used to signify something not yet sure that is “to be announced”, adds up to the urgency of environmental protection; An Earth whose future is not secure and which is endangered by human activity is brought to the forefront as the main point of discussion.
The exhibition is to be understood as part of the Anthropocene exhibition series, conceived by curator Vanessa Souli, which explores the broader relationship of humans to their immediate, as well as global, natural and social environment. An unofficial term used to describe the current period in Earth’s history when human actions have a visible impact on the regulation of climate, the Anthropocene is an increasingly important concept that encompasses all aspects of human activity on Earth. Specifically,
the exhibition aims to generate a conversation around the following global issues:
• Environmental disasters and their impact on marginalised communities (climate change)
• Civilization waste of high-tech societies (e-waste)
• Cultural identity and memory in a globalised world (globalisation)
• Biological interventions in species (hybridisation)
Participating artists
Nadine Baldow @nadine_baldow (Installation / Sculpture), Hendrik Czakainski @hendrik_czakainski (Installation / Sculpture), Kai Löffelbein @kai.loeffelbein (Installation / Photography), Jazoo Yang @jazooyang_art (Installation / Sculpture), Shingo Yoshida (Video / Photography) & VR FILM by Edward Burtynsky @edwardburtynsky
In accordance with Covid-19 regulations, all events will take place online. Artist talks and
curator tours are planned. Please visit the website for updated information. A VR experience with
Edward Burtynsky’s films are planed.
Vernissage & Finissage
April 23, 2021 19h (per Instagram Live)
May 30, 2021 18h (with possibility of extension)
Location Haus am Lützowplatz Studio Galerie, Lützowplatz 9 10785 Berlin
Opening Hours per appointment (depending on Covid-19 regulations)
Instagram @hausamluetzowplatz & @vanessa_souli
Please contact the curator Vanessa Souli for tours or appointments / +49 151 7531 4940