Thanks for the flowers – Gracias por las Flores is a KALTBLUT exclusive editorial. Photography by Maider Agirre. Creative and Art direction by Cèlia Andrés. Styling by Alba Monfort. Makeup by Florencia Pastene. The model is Cèlia Andrés. Fashion by Zahati and Alba Castro Atelier.“This editorial is praise of nature. Thanks for the flowers, refers to a poem by Charles Bukowski. In it, the artist known for being a referent of gross realism and an alcoholic all his life, finds himself stretched out in a park with his daughter. The little girl is making him a flower crown when Charles comes clean and decides to apologize for not being a good father. She tells him how hard life has been for him, while she plays with dandelions.In this editorial, we wanted to embody his daughter, Marina, years later, in a big city park. For us, it was very important to emphasize the link with nature. This young woman, like her father, is constantly surrounded by a thousand stimuli that do not allow her to be faithful to her inner child.Going back to the park and the flowers reminds her of who she is and how valuable it is for her to breathe and remember where she came from. Thanks for the flowers, she wants to remind us that pleasure is often found in small daily gestures, and the importance of being honest with our essence and not losing it in the immensity of the city. The flowers on this occasion, for her, are the bite of Proust’s madeleine, of her entire childhood.
And you, what transports you to that moment you dream so much?”
Love poem to Marina
My girl is 8
and that’s old enough to know
better or worse or anything
so I relax around her and
hear various astounding things
about sex
life in general and life in particular;
mostly it’s very
except I became a father when most men become grandfathers, I am a very late starter
in everything,
and I stretch on the grass and sand
and she rips dandelions up
and places them in my
while I doze in the sea breeze.
I awaken
say, “what the hell”?
and flowers fall over my eyes and over my nose and over my lips.
I brush them away and she sits above me giggling
right or wrong
I do love you
it’s only that sometimes I act as if
you weren’t there,
but there have been fights with women’s notes left on dressers
factory jobs
flat tires in Compton at 3 a.m,
all those things that keep people from knowing each other and
worse than
Thanks for the
Photography by Maider Agirre / Instagram @maideragirre___
Creative and Art direction by Cèlia Andrés / Instagram @celia__andres
Styling by Alba Monfort / Instagram @albaamonfort
Makeup: Florencia Pastene / Instagram @flx.maquillaje
Talent: Cèlia Andrés / Instagram @celia__andres
Zahati / Instagram @zahati_
Alba Castro Atelier / Instagram @albacastroatelier