We have just talked about it at our latest KALTBLUT team meeting: High Heels versus Sneaker. So here you go: a nice fashion short presented by Nowness, which shows in a funny way how many girls treat themselves, they fall, they stumble, simply they can not walk in high heels. “A bright sky, a boardwalk, a stroll under the sun – so begins the Kinopravda-directed Twun, a poppy, pratfall-imbued meditation on how it feels to contend with staying upright in the highest of high heels. Soundtracked by Hungarian electro newcomer Yvein Monq, Twun shows determined women – with places to go and people to see – elevated to impossible heights in everything from conceptual white stilettos to black lace-up party heels. A parallel can be drawn between broken beats and losing one’s balance, and Monq’s brilliantly skittish track matches perfectly the unpredictable and humanizing act of stumbling.” But still we girls love high heels, but whom we can walk properly.www.nowness.com