In conversation with Ieva Ragauskaite

An interview taken from our June Issue. In this special issue, we wanted to give light to artists, especially illustrators and painters, to know how to quarantine time affected their lives and their process. We wanted to showcase a different story, different arts to give a voice and platform for these creators.

KALTBLUT: It’s been almost 2 months since self-isolation has been enforced worldwide, how are you feeling?
Ieva: Just in a few words, I feel good. It’s been an emotional rollercoaster and now everything is pretty much stable in the city I’m at.

KALTBLUT: What have you been doing to pass your time in quarantine?
Ieva: In the beginning, I was very energetic because the time of quarantine started right after my holidays so I was really relaxed and full of ideas for upcoming projects. That lasted for a few weeks followed by a few weeks of absolute numbness and laziness. I took it all in as part of adapting and learning new “game rules”. But most of the time I was just creating in some sort of ways. I didn’t learn a new language, haven’t done yoga or came up with a massive business idea. But I came to terms that I haven’t done as much as I was pushing myself for and I’m fine with that!

KALTBLUT: How has the situation affected your work?
Ieva: I was working as a graphic designer here in Cambodia so sadly I have lost this job. Small freelance projects do happen but rarely. I put on hold searching for new jobs and gigs since it seems to be a great time to focus more on illustration and challenge myself in this field.

Instagram: @ievarag

Read the full interview here: