Irology by Zakaria Wakrim

Irology is a photography project by Zakaria Wakrim. He started taking photography seriously while studying for his engineering degree in 2006. His first photography series were quite experimental-he enjoyed applying his engineering knowledge to his photography. Developing his own techniques was great. It was only after some time that he realized photography was going to become such an interesting part of his life. It didn’t only give him the opportunity to realize himself as a creative, but also gave him a way to improve his emotional expression. He then realized that it was as important, or even more, than his engineering background. Today he’s between these two worlds, trying to find a proper balance to realize himself as a human being.

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“This series is called Irology. With an engineering background , I’ve always wanted to apply some experimental means to my photography work. The series Irology is basically a color quest. A sort of exploration of what infrared photography can provide. Landscapes are usually associated with some pretty known colors, here I wanted to reject that obvious and create a surprising effect. The series consists of 10 photos, taken in pretty different places in order to create a large spectrum of chromatic possibilities. It starts in the mountains like the water cycle, passing by the forests and midlands, and eventually it reaches the ocean.”

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