The Dual Year between Mexico and Germany acts as a framework for the encounter between Mexican talent and the European and international market. Both countries share common set of values like creativity, innovation, productivity, sustainable development and promotion of democracy and the human rights. The basic idea of the dual year is to expand the mutual understanding, to deepen the collaboration, the exchange and the political dialog between Germany and Mexico.Salo Shayo 2

The dual year provides the opportunity to exchange experiences and to promote the partnership, to facing the challenges of the 21st century together and build an alliance for the future.

A professional jury selected 16 Mexican designers, who presented their creations during the last Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin under the heading “MEXICO FASHION DESIGN”. Since end of June 2016 they are also running a Pop-Up Store at Große Präsidentenstraße 10 in 10178 Berlin.

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You can purchase selected designs in the categories womenswear, menswear, jewelry and accessories until the 26 of July. Take your chance to get your unique Mexican piece of design, a lot of items are already on sale!


Salo Shayo 3Contact:

DIME | Mexico Fashion Design Pop-Up-Shop, Große Präsidentenstr. 10, 10178 Berlin