The first impression you get from Emma Appleton (signed to D1 Models) it’s not that she’s beautiful, cause that it’s pretty obvious. But it’s that you will remember her. In her portfolio there are already big labels like Rimmel, Fred Perry, Goldwell, Toni & Guy, Office Shoes and Converse. Huf magazine and Spindle are two of the major publications she appeared in and thanks to her cinematographic beauty and her easygoing personality we’re sure they will be the first of a very long list.
Name: Emma Appleton / Age: 23 / Birthplace: Oxford / Agency: D1
How were you discovered? I was asked to do some hair modeling when i was about 16 and I did that for a while. Then, since I was in London, I thought that I could have tried to say hello to the model agencies around. I applied to some of them and one said Yes.
What has been the high-light to you career so far: I’ve been lucky in my career: I’ve done a lot of amazing jobs, I’ve worked with a lot of amazing people so I don’t feel like there’s one highlight but many of them: posing for Darron Black for example, working for Office Shoes, or shooting the commercials for 500 and Converse.
Do you feel like a Converse Girl?: Kinda! Cause they are relaxed, chilled, it was really fun to work for that brand.
What’s the funniest thing a clients asked you to do? Nothing particularly weird… the other day I did a shoot and they put me under a big shower with loud music playing and I had to dance like crazy. I like doing this stuff a bit weird, energetic, exciting: embracing strange things.
“Embracing strange things”… is it a statement that reflects the way you live your life?: Yeah absolutely. Normal is boring.
What’s your dream booking: Probably a Doctor Martins’ campaign because I’ve been a fan for years. I like their attitude, what they’re all about and I think it would be amazing to collaborate with a brand that you like so much.
Who’s your favourite fashion icon:David Bowie. I love his progression, his music, his films… he tried everything and he pulls it off! Plus I really like how he changed identity during his career, his chameleon soul.
Would you wish to yourself such a chameleon evolution? Yeah. Even in the ordinary life I change day by day: sometimes i feel more girly, some days more androgyneus…
So you go for a day by day lifestyle: Absolutely. I don’t plan much. I don’t owe my schedule for the next day till 5 pm. You cannot be a big planner with this job anyway.
Do you like this peculiarity way of working? Am I really bad if I say no!? I’m very much of a homebud, I’m very comfortable at home in my comfort zone, but it pushes you as a person, it’s a great opportunity to push yourself so in the end I’d answer yes.
What’s the best piece of advice you could ever give? Just to not be so isolated. I think we need to get away from all this social media hysteria: we need to be more compassionate, to care for eachother more, to think about eachother more.
I see you have a diamond tatooed on your wrist. Does it have a meaning? No, there’s no particular reason why. I did it when I was 17. I don’t take it too seriously, i like to look at it as something that reminds me of a moment of my life. It just tells a story of me.
Do you have other tattoos? I have 7. The most significant are the 2 on my ribs: a quote from my mom “this too shall pass” (not a Lord of the Rings quote like all the people say!) and a symbol from my dad, a little gun, cause he used to play with me with some fake guns when I was a child. It’s just two little things that remind me of my parents.
How do you keep fit: I’m not a massive fitness freak but I walk a lot since I have a puppy. I eat vegetables; I try to keep myself hydrated… Maybe I should do more but I just don’t have the time, and when I have it I honestly prefer to do other stuff.
Like? I read a lot, I watch a lot of movies and staying with my boyfriend and my dog.
What kind of music do you listen to: I really like old music: Led Zeppelin, David Bowie, Joy Division… Sad music, that makes you feel a lot.
Are you an empathic person? Yes. Maybe a little bit too sensitive.
Do you think it helps to be that sensitive in your job? Yes and no. It’s kind of a double edged sword because it gives you the capacity to cooperate with people and to work good with them but at the same time it can be such a harsh industry that you need to be quite strong and I struggle with that sometimes. But it’s a learning process; it’s about how far you can stretch yourself so it’s ok.
If you were an animal what would you be and why: I have a long neck so I’d say a giraffe. Actually it happened that somebody told me I’m a baby giraffe.
Would you like to act in a movie? Yeah, modelling is about acting in the end, about embodying a character. I’ve been a princess warrior as well as an androgyneus creature and I really loved it!
Team Credit:
Photography: Karl Slater
Styling: Kennedy Silver
Makeup & Nails: Jo Coletta Using Skincare and Makeup by Cosmetics à La Carte, Nails inc.
Hair Stylist: Niki Black Using Bubble and Bubble.
Talent: Emma Appleton represented by D1 Models
Wardrobe: Manuel Diaz
Text: Daniele Pulega