
A KALTBLUT exclusive. Photography by Michael Lyra Goldsmid. The model is Elle Maweyi. Make up by Zenique Gordon. Styling by Jordan Potgieter using Adidas and Zara. Re-Birth explores the profound queer journey of self-transformation—navigating the liminal spaces between destruction and renewal, shadow and light. It reflects the universal, yet distinctly queer, process of shedding internal and societal expectations to embrace one’s authentic self. Through Michael Goldsmid’s lens, Elle Maweyi embodies this transition, evoking the collision of opposites—the sun and moon, light and shadow, destruction and rebirth.

At the heart of the story lies the lunar eclipse, a vivid metaphor drawn from the alchemical concept of the coniunctio. The veiling and unveiling of light during an eclipse reflects the dissolution and re-emergence of self-image that defines personal transformation. Infrared photography deepens this narrative – revealing the hidden within the visible and mirroring a quiet, internal evolution that unfolds beneath the surface.

Photography by Michael Lyra Goldsmid / / Instagram: @michaelgoldsmid
signed at Disco Creatives / @discocreatives
The model is Elle Maweyi / @2x_elle
signed at Pulse Lifestyle / @pulselifestyle
Styling by Jordan Potgieter / @rhinestone_cowboii
signed at Gloss Artist Management / @gloss_artist_management
Make up by Zenique Gordon / Instagram: @zenique_makeup
signed at Gloss Artist Management / @gloss_artist_management

Fashion Brands used are: Adidas, Zara, Stylists Own Wardrobe
Instagram name of each brand: @zara @adidasza

Michael Lyra Goldsmid is a Cape Town-based photographer and filmmaker whose work merges poetic storytelling with lyrical, ethereal visuals. Known for creating imagery that explores themes of transformation, identity, and consciousness, Michael’s work has been featured in international fashion and art platforms. Currently, they are developing The Alchemical Isle, a compelling body of work that delves into queer self-transformation through the lens of psychology, alchemy and fashion editorials. This shoot is part of that series.