A KALTBLUT exclusive. Photography by Clara Alonso. Styling by Laura Ronga and Mariantonietta Amato. Models are Jade Carvalho signed at The One models management and Leon Eull signed at Nologo management. Make-up by Noemi Russo and Serena Petronelli. Hairstyling by Francesco Parrinello and Iris Mangiacotti. Fashion Brands are Asos, Stradivarius, H&M and local markets. Studio at Ferrari Fashion School.
Photography by Clara Alonso / Instagram: @claraalonso.photo
Styling by Laura Ronga and Mariantonietta Amato / Instagram: @lauraronga_stylist @mariantoniettamato
Make-up by Noemi Russo and Serena Petronelli / Instagram: @noemirusso @petronelliserena_
Hairstyling by Francesco Parrinello and Iris Mangiacotti / Instagram: @parri_barber17 @i.iriis
Models are Jade Carvalho signed at The One models management / Instagram: @jadecarvalho_ @theonemodelsmanagement
Leon Eull signed at Nologo management / Instagram: @leon.eull @nologomen
Studio at Ferrari Fashion School / Instagram: @ferrarifashionschool
“My name is Clara Alonso, and I am a fashion photographer from Spain. Since I was little I have always felt different from the rest of the people. My way of thinking, my sensibility and my loneliness made me feel like an alien for this planet (and sometimes also for me). Photography rapidly became a way to explore me and to express my perception of the world.
Last year I moved to Milan to complete my studies in fashion photography. Nothing really went as expected, but what I would never expect was the growth I found inside me. Now I feel closer to this alien, now I understand my identity. Maybe that’s how this editorial came out.”