Silent World by Elinleticia Hogabo

Elinleticia Hogabo is an art photographer that balances on the edge between art and fashion. Since she was deaf for almost ten years, before she underwent a surgery to get a little part of her hearing back on one ear, her perspective of the world perhaps is what makes her unique. In her photos the darkness and loneliness are contrasting the interaction and expressions she tries to photograph between models and their surroundings. Att det finns tider vi inte känner till


I’m afraid of water. I’m afraid of being under water. I’m afraid of friendship. I’m afraid of relationships. I’m afraid that my deafness will exclude me from the world. I’m afraid of being excluded. I’m afraid of a condemnatory god.
But I made Silent World. I swam in deep water – under water. I invited friends and beloved to come down in my silent world to tell the story about everything I’m afraid of. And make it beautiful. Dark and frightening. But beautiful. And I make it mine and that’s how I conquer my fears.
Den eviga lanternan Det finns ingenting bättre För vem har du gjort dig så fin igen min vän Formlösheten slutar värka Mälarens vatten skimrar likt ett maskineri Silent world Sjung för mig Tomheten mellan rummen Vävt av silvertrådar