A KALTBLUT exclusive male model feature. Photography by Samuel Ramirez. Model is Lael River with Vision LA. Styling …...
A KALTBLUT exclusive womenswear editorial. Photography by Philipp Stengelin. Model is Luzie Kurth signed at IZAIO Management. Make …...
A KALTBLUT exclusive womenswear editorial. Photographer Bartosz Jankowski captured Melina DiMarco with MSA Models for us. Styled by …...
A KALTBLUT exclusive editorial. Photographer Annie Lai captured the models Amy at First Model Management, Charlotte & Freyia …...
Winter 2021 emboldens Stella women ready for progress, blending fantasy and reality. Inspired by D is for Desire …...
A KALTBLUT exclusive by Arya Shirazi. A Germany-based beauty, fashion and editorial photographer. Model is Angelina Michelle signed …...
A KALTBLUT exclusive womenswear editorial. A Polaroid Session is lensed by Evie McShane. Model is Cassandra Binley. Styling …...
A KALTBLUT exclusive! Photographer Diederik Comte captured Allie Crandel and Ganna Bogdan at Photogenics LA for us. For …...
In an interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour, fashion designer Stella McCartney discussed her new sustainability manifesto and how …...
A KALTBLUT exclusive womenswear editorial by Victoria Spanier. Model is Jeri Evan signed at ModelClub Inc. Make up …...
A KALTBLUT exclusive womenswear editorial. Photographer Simone Rudloff captured Niki & Luisa signed with Option Models for us. …...
A KALTBLUT exclusive womenswear editorial. Photographer Katharina Werle lensed Antonia @ M4 Models for us. Stylist Florentine Schlüter …...