A KALTBLUT exclusive editorial taken from our digital issue FIGHTERS! “I am Jean Ayala. Stylist and fashion designer. In this Editorial, I want to introduce my new collection, THEY. The conceptual idea of this project is to create a QUEER ROYALTY. A world in which your race, gender, morphology or gender expression does not matter to shine and be the star.”
“It is intended to form diverse referents of those that some of us never had. The representation that we don’t have growing up. Aesthetically the inspiration is the Victorian Era and the 80s. All of this is reflected with an explosion of textures, colours and silhouettes evoking a bygone era but current at the same time.”
Art director /designer and stylist: Jean Ayala @_jeansebastian_
Attendee Art Direction: Àlex Vázquez Eguaras @avazqueg
Fotograph/Edition: Arancha Cassani @aranchacassani
MUA : Ru Montilla @rucafort
MUA : Júlia Porto @byjupovi
Hair design : Maria Baten @aguanievess
Alicia Díaz Miller @alicewonderbear
Ashley Natasha Rosado Matos @ashley.rosadom
Victoria Banks @lavictoriabanks
Miki Mint @mikimintt
Noelia Pereiro Moreno @noa.floret
Ona pérez cros @onacros
Jayce Gorgeous Gucci @jayyysees
Yandra de la Mano @opyandra
Alba Bailón / Arcade @albailongo
Jean Sebastian @_jeansebastian_
Topshop @topshop
Even&Odd @evenandodd_official