To Be or To Become by Kristina Shakht

To Be or To Become is a collection of photos that Kristina Shakht made from 2020 and 2021 shot on Polaroid600, 35mm film and iPhone are a representation of femininity and sexuality from a female perspective. These images and zine are Shakht’s way of reframing negative experiences connected with sex and sexuality as a young woman and taking the power back by showing women the way we see ourselves – pure, free, raw, and natural.

“To Be or To Become brings together women behind and in front of the camera. The publication is the result of collaboration with friend and co-editor Liliya Shapran and artist Bren Cukier – who created typography on the zine’s cover – along with hairstylist Timur Katz and florist Michelle Pelletier.”

Cover – Kristina Shakht & Bren Cukier
Instagram: @kristinashakht & @brencukier
Editors – Kristina Shakht & Liliya Shapran
Instagram: @kristinashakht  & @shprn_
Photography & creative direction – Kristina Shakht
Instagram: @kristinashakht
Hairstylist – Timur Katz
Instagram: @timurkatz
Florist – Michelle Pelletier
Instagram: @lovemenotfloral

You can buy the Zine OVER HERE