WE ARE! By Elys Berroterán

We are in times of change, times where the voice of many must unite, young people of many stereotypes together are reflected in these photographs taken by Elys Berroteran in Bogotá Colombia, especially exclusively for KALTBLUT. Fashion by Lina Osorio, Ann Ong, Levi´s.

Photographer Elys Berroteran @Elysmcm
Nicolas Castaño @n_casbar
Sebastian Vallejo @sebaastian_vallejo
David Martin @davidmartihn
Santiago Zuñiga @soysantizuniga
Lucas Corso @luchenso.10
Juan David Robayo @juanrobayo_
Christian Leal @cris.lealm
Andres Lobo @andresloboo
Belier Baracaldo @belierbara
Kevin Zapata @kevinVillas
Sarah Carvajal @Sarah.carvajal
Fashion by Lina Osorio @Linaosorio_oficial , Ann Ong @ann_ong_ , Levis @Levis
Location : El Mono Bandido @elmonobandido
Coordinator Janet Cid @Janetcidm
Special thanks
Oswer Gavidia @osweer_gavidia
Jeanette Martinez @jeanettemguerrero
Paola Fernandez @paolafernandezm
Arlex Castañeda @arlexcast