“What if We Were Monuments?” by Colette Pomerleau

Colette Pomerleau was born in Las Vegas, USA and lives in Berlin, Germany. She currently works as a freelance photographer and writer. For her latest piece of work “What if We Were Monuments?”, Pomerleau teamed up with model Erika Schrader.

“Erika and I climbed to the top of Teufelsberg in Berlin with little expectation of what we would find. The structures are known to be a listening station during the Cold War, built over the rubble of a proposed Nazi military training school. Both of us were intrigued to find out that women exclusively transported rubble in and around the site. It wasn’t a surprise that the area held significant energy.
We spent the day wandering and working with the environment as well as this bold, red fabric. Our idea was to produce empowering and body positive portraits that narrate the vital lifeline that connects and isolates the “female” in this particular space and overall, women’s responsibility of the world. ”

Photo by Colette Pomerleau
Model & styling by Erika Schrader


Instagram: @ofcuriosities