Serge Serum is a self-taught Los Angeles based artist who does not scare easily when it comes to the complexities of the human psyche. Growing up in rough neighbourhoods with high gang violence allowed him to take interest in graffiti which later transition to Fine Art. Serum work often creates deliberate and visible tension of opposition between an almost violent application of paint to render facial features contrasting with the surrounding flatness of the image. His work has a curiously chaotic, and yet grounded feel to it.  Serge endows a feeling of ease in existing within what seems to be a messy actuality. The bold style facilitates a sort of fill-in-the-blanks dialogue with viewers that he is captivating.

Yearbook series comes from a series of portraits done on paper meant to be shown in together as a whole to resemble a yearbook class layout. Each portrait resembles different personalities from people I once went to school with.