Marc Stüwe

Marc Stüwe is a designer and an artist based in Berlin. He started to work as a graphic designer but now, Marc design and produce time sculptures as unique handcrafted items. We had the chance to talk to him about his project.

Iro-Ny of Time
Iro-Ny of Time

KALTBLUT: Hi Marc, we are totally in love with all your Clocks! How did you start this project?

Marc: A nice home is very important to me and I love beautiful things and good design. So I was looking for a clock for my home and didn’t find any that I liked – too much plastic and boring. Then I found one on a flea market from the sixties. I changed the colours and it looked great. But very soon it wasn’t working anymore and I was pissed. After a while I got the idea to change the ckock work. I bought some more and started to create my own clocks. this was the start of my project 3 years ago.

Battle Star
Battle Star

KALTBLUT: What is the main idea behind it?

Marc: The intention to my project of making clocks is on one hand that this section seems to be a stepchild in the design world and on the other hand time is so important to us today but nobody seems to like clocks. I want to show time in a beautiful and proud way. My clocks become objects or paintings with function. Time is a very interesting theme and the way to express it is endless.

Elements of Time
Elements of Time

KALTBLUT: Where do you find so much inspirations for theses crazy clock?!

Marc: I get my ideas from everywhere. Sometimes I wake up with a vision of a design or a meterial is interesting. I love flea markets. It’s so creative to look for unusual things or stuff what I can use for my Time Sculptures.

Make Ur Wish
Make Ur Wish

KALTBLUT: What is you favourite medium to use for these creations?

Marc: My favorite medium is wood. I also use plexi glass, wire, plastic. I also love to use unusual things to give it a new function.

Perpetual Check
Perpetual Check

KALTBLUT: How long does it takes you to create one of those?

Marc: The time I need for an object is very different. It depends on the design, the details like sawing shapes or colours and hand painting. It variates from 1 day to one week.

KALTBLUT: Can we actually buy those clock? Where?

Marc: You can see my work on my website. Until now you can buy my clocks in my work space and other shops who represent some of my work.

Senor Rossi
Senor Rossi

KALTBLUT: Could you tell us bit about your artistic background?

Marc: I studied graphic design and was working as an art director in advertising. Then I started to be an illustrator for international magazines and advertising agencies. I was working only by computer and with the time I wanted to do somethings by hand and “real”, something that lasts and something to touch.

KALTBLUT: What are you working on at the moment?

Marc: At the moment I am working on a catalogue for my clocks. I also planning to open a shop in 2015 where I can work, and to show and sell my time pieces.

Interview by Nicolas Simoneau

Protect the Nature
Protect the Nature
