“Communication Breakdown” is precisely what it proposes to be: it’s an exploration, a showcase of everything that we lack and simultaneously have in excess. Communication is the word. Photography by Jimmy You. Creative direction and Styling by Emma Mollo. Hair & Makeup by Julia Kuzmenko. A KALTBLUT exclusive. Models are: Sarra Gimalova, Livia Valenti and Emma Mollo.
Communication that’s nowadays more than ever before the pivot of anything the world throws in our faces: Instagram, TikTok, WhatsApp, FaceTime, emails and so on. Communication that’s however the one thing we frantically run after the most, nowadays more than ever before. In a sense, modern communication has already broken down, and it has into hundreds of thousands of everyday situations and scenarios where people are closely tied together, all day every day, yet where the underlying theme is loneliness. What “communication breakdown” wants is to shine a limelight on these post-human moments, where this veil of normalcy and intimacy is lifted and the mirage is betrayed.“Communication Breakdown” is the voice of an era that talks but never speaks.
Creative direction and Styling by Emma Mollo / Instagram: @emmammollo
Photography by Jimmy You / Instagram: @jimmyyxk
Assisted by Queenie Hong / Instagram: @hhhqueenie
Hair & Makeup by Julia Kuzmenko / Instagram: @smashedeyeshadows
Retouched by Yangda
Models are: Sarra Gimalova, Livia Valenti and Emma Mollo
Jewellery by James Tapner-Evans / Instagram: @justjjjewellery
Text by Riccardo Russo / Instagram: @mr.rousseau_
Brands used are justjjjewellery, P.A.R.O.S.H., Gucci, Massimo Dutti, Vivienne Westwood, Yves Saint Laurent, Cividini, Burberry, Prada, Zara, and Wolford.
Instagram name of brands: @justjjjewellery @parosh_official @gucci @massimodutti @viviennewestwood @ysl @itscividini @burberry @prada @zara @wolford