Conversion therapy centre

A KALTBLUT exclusive. Photography by Jorge Giaquinto. Creative direction, and styling by Eugenio Monteleone. Coordination by Jiulia Barbera. Video by Massimo Scarabaggio. Sound by Grotesque. Set design by Alessia di Spena. Make up by Serena Placier. Hair styling by Rodrigo de Souza. Models are Diego, Filippo, and Simone signed at Persona Milano.“The object of study is the behavioural analysis of homosexual people during their time in ctc.Legally active in too many locations, their intent is to adopt a pseudoscientific practice designed to change sexual orientation by repressing carnal impulses through aversion therapy, psychoanalysis, lobotomy, compulsive prayer, and religious actions such as exorcism. My name is Eugenio Monteleone, a creative director and stylist based in Milan. I need to create images to translate any situation sharp in my head. My modus operandi is based on the concept of amateurism: Language is born from the juxtaposition of contextualized and decontextualized aesthetic signs. The viewer has the opportunity to assimilate the work according to his personal skills and provide his own interpretation.”

Creative direction, styling by Eugenio Monteleone / Instagram: @itsacramento
Coordination by Jiulia Barbera / Instagram @jiuliabarbera
Photography by Jorge Giaquinto / Instagram: @jorgegiaquinto
Video by Massimo Scarabaggio / Instagram: @regiadiscar
Sound by Grotesque / Instagram: @wwgrotesque
Set design by Alessia di Spena / Instagram: @alessiadispena
Make up by Serena Placier / Instagram: @serenaplacier.mua
Make up assistance by Giulia Sterza / Instagram: @giulia_sterza
Hair styling by Rodrigo de Souza / Instagram: @rodrigosouzam
Models are Diego, Filippo, and Simone signed at Persona Milano / Instagram: @persona_milano Location Honbu dojo Pavone a.s.d. / Instagram: @honbudojopavone

Brands used are Apnoea, Add, Stetson, Off White, Ineden, mm6, John Zucca, rbrsl, Mykita, Bianca Saunders x at.kollektive, Simon Cracker, Red, Gilberto Calzolari, Alessandro Gilles, Emilio Cavallini, Jean Paul Gaultier, Gucci, Arthur Arbesser, CP Company, Marsèll, Wolford, Calvin Klein

Instagram name of each brand: @maisonapnoea @addmilano @stetsoneurope @off___white @ineden_ @mm6maisonmargiela @johnzucca @rbrsl_rubbersouls @mykitaofficial @biancasaunders @at.kollektive @simoncracker @redsoxappeal @gilbertocalzolari_official @alessandrogilles_official @emiliocavallini @jeanpaulgaultier @gucci @arthurarbesser @cp_company_official @marsell.official @wolford @calvinklein