Dark Love

A KALTBLUT exclusive. Photographer Jérémy Bauduffe captured Théo Lobry, Angeline, Bessie, Denys, Chiara and Margiana for us. Makeup by Miko Palac. Photography assistant is Marylou Bonduelle.

“This photoshoot tries to highlight a relationship that is not healthy, a dark relationship in which everyone gets lost. The presence of several models and not only two allows for personifying different feelings: betrayal, passion, loneliness. Dark love is in fact a photoshoot when love escapes us and we only get the bad side.”

Photographer: Jérémy Bauduffe / insta: @stockphotographique
Photography assistant: Marylou Bonduelle
Makeup: Miko Palac / insta: @messy_cerebrum
Models: Théo Lobry insta: @theolobry
Angeline @angelinev
Bessie @_besos
Denys @__3h03__
Chiara @e4tra
Margiana @margiana_bleuet

Clothes : Crush’On / insta : @crushon_shop