“Life goes on!” – In conversation with Zimmer90

Photo by Max Heeb.

Last year, Zimmer90 played their first-ever tour! KALTBLUT attended their show in Berlin show and had a chat with Joscha and Finn afterwards. In the Interview, they tell us more about the impact playing such shows had on them and what inspired their debut EP, “Lake Diaries”.

KALTBLUT: Zimmer90 is kind of a creative space you’ve created for yourselves, but also one you open up to everyone else. Could you describe what comes to mind when you think of Zimmer90?

Joscha: It’s quite funny because sometimes… I just tried it, I just thought about it, and then I realised it keeps changing all the time. The more we progress as a band, and the more things change – the songs, how we feel, and how we develop – it always ends up looking different. I like that, though, being able to be surprised by it. Right now, Zimmer 90 feels very warm and relaxed to me, especially since we just finished a tour. Now, we recover and wind down.

Finn: I can relate to that. Right now, it’s very bright and has windows, very large windows. It keeps changing all the time, depending on how we feel and where the inspiration lies. The beautiful thing is that it’s not rigid. It constantly provides the opportunity to change.

Photo by Max Heeb.

KALTBLUT: If you both had to choose an object that is always present in your Zimmer90, what would it be?

Joscha: For me, it would be a really comfortable couch. Somewhere you can lie down, read, and have a good time.

Finn: I think, for me, it would be a big bookshelf, with lots of cool books.

KALTBLUT: You finished your tour recently. How are you feeling?

Joscha: It was very exciting for us because it was the first time we were in a situation where people bought tickets just to see us, which put a certain pressure on us. It was important to us that we put on a cool show we feel comfortable with where people can take something away with them. In the end, we were surprised by how much enthusiasm and energy came across.

It was a pretty intense feeling to connect with so many people. Everything happens so quickly that you often can’t keep up with processing and perceiving it.

KALTBLUT: Do you have a favourite moment from the tour you’ll never forget?

Joscha: I have two favourite moments. The first one, I went to the lake in Leipzig with our sound engineer Nils on our day off. We had this day between all the concerts, it was still 30 degrees in October, and we just lay by the lake the whole day. That was a highlight for me because I could process the first concerts. It felt like relaxing amid effort.

Concert-wise, one of my favourite moments was in Berlin during a song. We played “Drowning,” at a point where people naturally went down and then jumped up. It just happened by itself. That was beautiful.

Finn: For me, it’s like two worlds. First, there’s the concert world and then there’s the backstage world. My favourite moment was on stage. In our set, there’s a part where we sing a choir together with the audience: “You’ll Be Alright”. It became very loud and ecstatic. It was an overwhelming moment and connected everybody.

My other favourite moment is related to our crew. We get along very, very well with everyone. One night, I went out with our photographer Hannes, and we both somehow noticed how everything had developed over the year – in the band, the concerts, and also in the crew. How everyone has become closer, and everyone is getting better at what they do, and everything is becoming more fun and familiar. That was a very fulfilling moment.

Photo by Max Heeb.

KALTBLUT: Your latest EP is called “Lake Diaries,” what does the name mean, and what are the Lake Diaries for you?

Joscha: My family has a house on Lake Constance, my grandpa grew up there. We spent a lot of time there last year, it’s very beautiful, right on the lake and very much in nature, in a small village where not much is happening. Finn and I are very connected to nature, we love being outside, and we draw a lot of inspiration from it. We wrote many songs in that space this year. It was a bit like diary entries, and we kind of recorded that in songs. These different feelings and moods that arise when you are completely secluded in nature, just completely free and your daily life is left behind.

KALTBLUT: Can you tell me a little more about your song “Under The Moon”?

Joscha: I often have this feeling or thought when everything becomes too much, that you feel so small and the world is so big. You somehow feel helpless, a bit overwhelmed sometimes. I personally have this comforting thought that it always goes on, which is exactly what the lyrics say: “Life goes on:” It is this comforting thought that it’s never a standstill, it always goes on.

KALTBLUT: What’s next for you?

Finn: We are very active and can never stop working. We enjoy it. The path we’re on right now is to make things more honest, authentic, and relevant, and to make it more complete for us. But who knows, in the end, you can’t predict the future.

KALTBLUT: Any last words?

Both: Life goes on and on and on!

You can keep up with @Zimmer90 on Instagram to keep up to date with upcoming music and shows!

Photos by @max.heeb